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D&D: The Warlock's Boots (NOW RECRUITING!)

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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby safariguy5 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:06 pm

Magic and Politics never seem to mix well

I sigh.
This Wytch Lord seems to intent on seeing you dead. I will help you retrieve this book and guide you to the tower, I suggest you find something to fight with as it appears some of those assassins are heading for us now.

If I have mage armor, I begin casting it. What spells are available to me?
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:18 pm

OK - looks like I'm in this fight whatever I think (though I don't trust this guy further than I could throw him).
Gorlan looks around with an experienced tactical eye, and suggest disposition of the "troops".

Anyone who doesn't want to fight, leave right now or hide. Gregor, your debts are covered if you go over there right now and thump anyone who comes through the door looking for trouble. If you stand right there they may not see you as they come in. wait for a threatening move, or my signal.
Wizards, under those tables and get some nasty business ready.
Clerics, fighters, (NO, stay where you are Gregor), to me.

Urlag, if you have any crossbows back there, make then ready.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:24 pm

jonesthecurl wrote: Gregor, your debts are covered if you go over there.

"Gregor get kegger?" You nod. "Oh boy, Gregor going to have fun now"
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Jace22 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:40 pm

And here I thought this was a boring little town

Maximus stands guard with his large greatsword equiped
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby safariguy5 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:49 pm

I turn over one of the wooden tables and take cover behind it. I draw my wand out and prepare for battle.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:33 pm

DM wrote:Gorlan gives a commanding lead, and the rest of the party prepares themselves for a scuffle.

Mr.Urlag replies that he does not have any crossbows, all he has is a club. Neither Gavrin or Sheyla are armed at the moment, as they never figured they would be needing any weapons today. So, Gavrin and Sheyla stand towards the rear of the bar while Urlag stands just in front of them with his club in his hands to protect them.

The rest of the Tavern guests have pretty much already left a while ago, there is one old drunk who is just busy singing to himself, not knowing what is going on. Gorlan recognizes the old Nyordander Battle Song, and begins to sing it in a much more beautiful and uplifting voice. The sound of the song brings hope to his party members and they feel confident that they will prevail.

Alastair has found cover behind a wooden table and prepares his first spell.

CHEEZUS the Elven Cleric gives a prayer to his god as he knocks and arrow to his elfish longbow.

Both Maximus and Gregor have positioned themselves on opposite sides of the front entrance waiting for whatever might come in (as they have been fighting companions for some length of time).

Suddenly, the front door is kicked in with a sudden SMASH! And ten cutthroats storm the Inn.

"Ah! We've come to finish some unfinished business, me harties!" says an ugly bearded thug with a few missing teeth. He pulls out a dagger and lunges through the room, straight for Gorlan, who is standing bravely in the center of the room singing. The thief is unaware of the two towering fighters on each side of the door, waiting to cleave the man in half!

But then as the thugs start to rush in through the front door, you hear a scream come from Sheyla and you see that Cackle and two big brutes have quietly slipped in through the rear entrance and have appeared behind the bar. Sheyla is grabbed as well as Gavrin, Mr. Urlag lies on the floor unconscious.

"HaHAHAHAHA! :lol: " Cackle laughs annoyingly. He has a crossbow in his hands.

Okay, Maximus and Gregor may attack the band of thieves that came through the front door, but Gorlan and Alastair are surprised by Cackle's sudden entrance.

CHEEZUS was not surprised as his Elven perceptions help keep him alert.

And Firnam has delayed his actions until he sees what goes on inside the Inn.

So, this is a surprise round and Maximus and Gregor may attack the band of thieves only.

Cackle has First Strike capability and gains combat advantage with a crossbow bolt aimed at Gorlan.

The two big brutes start to drag Gavrin and Sheyla out the backdoor.

And Cheezus may attack whom he wishes at this point.

Alastair, Gorlan, and Firnam have to wait until the next turn to choose an action.

I am making an attack roll for Cackle using a +2 modifier for combat advantage.

DM wrote:Cackle immediately fires a bolt directly at Gorlan who is surprised by the entrance. As Gorlan turns to see who has entered the Tavern through the back door, a crossbow bolt catches him in the shoulder and pain runs through his arm, he stops singing; but the old drunk is still carrying on happily as if nothing had happened at all. Gorlan forces himself to grimace through the pain, pull out the bolt, and slowly begin chanting the old battle tune again, trying to keep his own spirits lifted.

Gorlan will take 12 points of damage from Cackle's sneak attack. Gorlan and Alastair may not attack or use actions until Maximus, Gregor, and Cheezus post what they are doing and I decide initiative order after this. Any questions, pm me.

Maximus and Gregor are attacking (I assume, but they can take other actions other than attacking too) the band of ten thieves that just entered the room, and they can each describe how they are attacking.

CHEEZUS can choose someone to attack or he may decide to take an action other than attacking.

I can do the dice rollings for you if you want, if you have your own dice (and I don't see natural 20's all the time!) then you can roll your own attacks. It depends on how in depth you want to get with the game, or if just simply story telling is enough, I am fine with that too. But if you want to develop a character sheet and everything and keep track of what's going on that way, we can do that.

All front door thieves are AC 10, the Back Door Brutes are each AC 15, and Cackle is AC 18. If you want to know what to do, pm me and I will try to explain the 20 die system.

If you are okay with me making the rolls just let me know either way.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:01 pm

I'm happy to let you roll, I don't know the current rules.
Or I can roll and let you know the result, but I don't have the modern rulebooks to tell me when I succeed.

I'd like to have some idea how likely I am to hit though.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby slowreactor on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:30 pm

jonesthecurl wrote:I'm happy to let you roll, I don't know the current rules.
Or I can roll and let you know the result, but I don't have the modern rulebooks to tell me when I succeed.

I'd like to have some idea how likely I am to hit though.

same here. I know the rules, but it's just easier overall for the DM to do the rolls in this instance :) I'm fine with or without character sheets :P
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Quirk on Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:38 pm

If Cheezus has a clear shot at Cackle he takes it. If it's not safe for Sheyla and the others he takes a shot at the closest thug.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:17 pm

In my drunken state I grab a chair and throw it at the first one heading for Gorlan. With 2 handed sword in hand now staggering a bit I go down to one knee and go for the next one through the door at the knees.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Jace22 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:11 pm

first off what level are we anyway(you know to determine attack bonus). And Maximus attacks one of the front door guards, hitting him(rolled a 12) and dealing 9 + 1.5*str mod(again need more info to determine total damage)
note(strength will most likely be between 16 and 18) so total damage is either 13 or 15
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:26 pm

[*Quick note: You are all First Level...which in older editions would suck and nobody likes playing First Level characters, but in 4E, First Level Characters are a bit stronger now, and are not so sucky as they used to be.]

Okay, this is what has happened so far:

DM wrote:As the two large thugs drag Sheyla and Gavrin out the door (they seem like they are sleeping and not struggling at all?), Cackle covers their escape through the back door of the Inn with his crossbow. Cheezus searches for a target, but is too late to release an arrow at any of the thugs, but at least he can aim one at Cackle.

He quickly aims his bow at Cackle and releases an arrow, and calls out his god's name.
[Hey, what is your god's name anyway? An Elven god/dess?]

Cheezus is using an Elven Longbow with no magical bonuses. He receives a +2 proficiency bonus and a +4 Ability Bonus for having an 18 Dexterity. He has to hit an AC of 18. This is a Basic Ranged Attack.

[Attack Roll: 15+2+4=21][Damage Roll 1d10: 6+4=10]

DM wrote:Cackle almost takes an Elven arrow between his eyes, and at the last second, his roguish speed and agility saves his life from the steel eyed Elfen Archer. As the arrow flies at Cackle, his reflexes tell him to move and the arrow grazes his forehead opening a nice streaming cut forcing Cackle to rethink his strategy. Cheezus' arrow is buried nicely in the wooden door frame.

Okay, now Gregor is attacking in his drunken state. He is attempting to make two attacks this round, that means that he is using an Action Point to do so. If Gregor wants to attack twice again, he must get at least 6 hours of sleep and extended rest, or advance towards a Milestone, which means Gregor needs to fight two more encounters after this one to achieve a Milestone and receive another Action Point to use.

First Gregor is using an object as a non-proficient weapon. Gregor has a 20 Strength and receives a +5 bonus to hit his target, however, since he does not have proficiency with a chair he can not add any proficiency bonuses. He also must take a -2 penalty for being drunk. Gregor has to hit AC 10.

[Attack Roll: 7+5-2=10][Damage Roll 1d6: 5+5+10 (drunken rage bonus)=20 points of damage]

DM wrote:As the first toothless cur enters the Tavern and begins to charge Gorlan, Gregor picks up a chair and smashes it over the evil man's head. The bludgeoning force of the chair combined with Gregor's drunken rage that he received from accidentally imbibing an unwatched glass of Drow Spiced Wine, was enough to break the man's neck so severely that the man's entire head was shoved inside his body killing the thief instantly! Gorlan looks at Gregor with wide eyes and a hint of shock, but is quite thankful for the assist as Gorlan took a grave wound to his shoulder and was unable to respond to a rushing attack...he could have been killed for sure!

Now, Gregor uses his action point to attack another guild rat coming through the door. This time Gregor will receive a proficiency bonus to his attack roll of +3 and a -2 penalty for still being drunk. Gregor also gets a +1 Fighter Bonus for being a Two Handed Weapons expert.

[Attack Roll: 7+3+5-2+1=14][Damage 1d10: 5+5+1(for wielding a two handed weapon)+10 (Drunken Rage Bonus)=21 points damage]

DM wrote:As Gregor clobbered one thief into a nasty pulp on the floor, he instinctively unsheathes his Greatsword from his back and does an amazing spinning maneuver while dropping to one knee. As the next thief enters the establishment, he is met with a blurring scythe of unmatched steel. The thief's leather vest is no match for Gregor's gruesome strike and the two handed sword slices cleanly through the man's torso, cutting through skin and organs and severing the spine. The blow was so quick, clean and powerful, that there was no sound of crunching bone, only the quick slurp of blood and tissue. Blood and gore is splattered all over that side of the wall, and the half of the thief that still has a head, is trying to crawl back towards his legs that are lying only a few feet away. As the loss of blood overpowers the severed thief, he soon dies...quivering.

Now, Maximus' attack. The Genasi are a naturally strong and intelligent race from the Elemental Planes, so I would wager that his Strength score is going to be about the same as Gregor's (20), that would give you a +5 to hit and to damage rolls. You and Gregor are both Mercenary types that have been journeying together for almost a year now. Jace, you can PM me if this does not work for you as you envision. But for this particular fight, let's give you the same strength as Gregor.

Maximus get's a +5 bonus for strength, a +1 bonus for being a two handed weapons fighter, and a +3 bonus for wielding a Greatsword. (if you want any of this changed for your character pm me and we will work it out of the story...if not, then we are good to go!)

So using your own rolls against AC10:

[Attack Roll: 12+5+3+1=21] [Damage Roll 1d10: 9+5+1(for wielding a two handed weapon)=15 points damage]

DM wrote:As, Gregor paints the Tavern with blood and entrails from his low kneeling stance, Maximus opts for a higher blow. This is a team fighting maneuver that Gregor and Maximus have practiced together. They called it Doing Penance, as one fighter gains centrifugal force by spinning around, and then kneels at the end of his strike while the other warrior brings a high swing just above his partners head to finish any oncoming enemies that may harm the kneeling fighter. The maneuver worked rather well, even though Gregor is a bit drunk. Maximus' high sweeping blow caught the next thief coming through the door right at nose level. The heavy blade of the Genasi mercenary cleaves neatly through the man's skull horizontally. The top of the man's skull, just above the mouth, goes flying out the door and lands with a moist thud on some cobblestones outside. Alastair almost forgets what spell he is casting from watching the bloody melee at the front tavern door, and Gorlan is already reciting poems and songs of their battle in his head.

Okay, now the Surprise Round is over, I will roll for initiative for everyone and we will all follow that order in our posting until the encounter is finished.

This is the Initiative Order of who gets to act first:

1. Gregor
2. Gorlan
3. The 2 Thugs
4. The 10 (now 7) Thieves
5. Firnam
6. Cheezus
7. Cackle
8. Alastair
9. Maximus

DM wrote:The Drow Spiced Wine that Gregor drank seems to be making him react quicker, or he is just completely lucky. But whatever the case might be, the enraged HalfOrc has a taste for blood now and is searching for the next enemy he can send to Hell in little tiny pieces!

Okay, Gregor goes first, then we will follow order, each of you will respond with what action(s) you are taking, and then I will respond with the results to the encounter and the story. PM me with any questions.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:21 pm

Gregor steps back away from the door to make sure he doesn't accidentally hit Maximas. With "Death Wish" in his hands Gregor thinks for a moment how Master Tarantino made him into the killing machine he is today. Gregor awaits the others to come through the door.
2010-04-24 18:51:35 - MrMoody: OMG I'm in a game with stunna, what is up with this?
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:59 pm

point of order: cackle just fired his crossbow at me, how is he usng it to cover his retreat?
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:21 am

jonesthecurl wrote:point of order: cackle just fired his crossbow at me, how is he usng it to cover his retreat?

Cackle is covering the two thugs as they drag Sheyla and Gavrin out the door. You can cover someone by being in between them and their target. Someone that tries to shoot at a Covered individual receives a -2 penalty to their attack rolls against that target. Alastair and Cheezus are covered from any ranged attack from the thieves entering the tavern in the front, but they have lost cover with Cackle's attack from the rear.

Cackle still has to follow Initiative Order to attack. On your turn you can either choose to attack Cackle, one of the 2 thugs (-2 penalty), or one of the 7 thieves that have now entered the tavern from the front entrance. Or, alternately, you may take a Second Wind (with a +2 to your AC for Total Defense) and heal some of the damage you took. You can use an Action Point if you would like, that would allow you to take Second Wind to heal yourself a bit and attack someone in the same turn.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:31 am

Sackett58 wrote:Gregor steps back away from the door to make sure he doesn't accidentally hit Maximas. With "Death Wish" in his hands Gregor thinks for a moment how Master Tarantino made him into the killing machine he is today. Gregor awaits the others to come through the door.

DM wrote:Gregor is a bit dizzy from his spinning swing and the Drow Wine, so he opts to get a grip of the situation and falls back closer to Gorlan. He watches as seven more street rats scurry into the tavern with their short swords drawn.

You have delayed your action until the next turn.

Gorlan is next in initiative order.

[Reminder Note on Initiative Order:

1. Gregor
2. Gorlan
3. The 2 Thugs
4. The 10 (now 7) Thieves
5. Firnam
6. Cheezus
7. Cackle
8. Alastair
9. Maximus
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Sackett58 on Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:09 am

CreepersWiener wrote:
Sackett58 wrote:Gregor steps back away from the door to make sure he doesn't accidentally hit Maximas. With "Death Wish" in his hands Gregor thinks for a moment how Master Tarantino made him into the killing machine he is today. Gregor awaits the others to come through the door.

DM wrote:Gregor is a bit dizzy from his spinning swing and the Drow Wine, so he opts to get a grip of the situation and falls back closer to Gorlan. He watches as seven more street rats scurry into the tavern with their short swords drawn.

You have delayed your action until the next turn.

Gorlan is next in initiative order.

[Reminder Note on Initiative Order:

1. Gregor
2. Gorlan
3. The 2 Thugs
4. The 10 (now 7) Thieves
5. Firnam
6. Cheezus
7. Cackle
8. Alastair
9. Maximus

I believe a fear roll should be in order. If I am one of these street rats and I see what just happened to my comrades I would shit my pants. :lol:
2010-04-24 18:51:35 - MrMoody: OMG I'm in a game with stunna, what is up with this?
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:12 am

Sackett58 wrote:
CreepersWiener wrote:
Sackett58 wrote:Gregor steps back away from the door to make sure he doesn't accidentally hit Maximas. With "Death Wish" in his hands Gregor thinks for a moment how Master Tarantino made him into the killing machine he is today. Gregor awaits the others to come through the door.

DM wrote:Gregor is a bit dizzy from his spinning swing and the Drow Wine, so he opts to get a grip of the situation and falls back closer to Gorlan. He watches as seven more street rats scurry into the tavern with their short swords drawn.

You have delayed your action until the next turn.

Gorlan is next in initiative order.

[Reminder Note on Initiative Order:

1. Gregor
2. Gorlan
3. The 2 Thugs
4. The 10 (now 7) Thieves
5. Firnam
6. Cheezus
7. Cackle
8. Alastair
9. Maximus

I believe a fear roll should be in order. If I am one of these street rats and I see what just happened to my comrades I would shit my pants. :lol:

These particular thieves are not too smart, and you killed three of their buddies...they're pretty pissed right now and think they can still take you. After all, there are seven of them...
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby jonesthecurl on Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:12 pm

Still singing lustily, and grinning like a madman, I chop at the nearest as hard as I can.

Though they slink and
though they snap
Brave men will drive them back!
Foul hearts will be run through!

he sings, from the Nyordlander song.

He rolls a 19 on a d20. Hey, it's a long while since I rolled one of those!According to KoDT, that dice is a keeper.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:48 pm

DM wrote:As Gorlan sings a battle song, he stifles the pain in his left shoulder and unsheathes his longsword. The sword was a gift from a young noble lady, who's husband had come home unexpectedly. For a noble's sword, it is finer than most (some silver vines on the cross guard, and a bunch of silver grapes upon the pommel) but not magical in the least. It, however, has done it's job quite effectively. Gorlan steps up to battle and Maximus welcomes him to the frey. Not as powerful as Maximus or Gregor, but Gorlan has an aura of finesse about him, and his sword strike leaves little blood spilled (which is fine by Gorlan, as he doesn't really want blood all over his fine jacket). A quick precise jab to the heart of a thief, and his enemy instantly dies and falls to the tavern floor lifeless.

6 thieves left. Now 2 Thugs and the 6 Thieves will act.

DM wrote:The two big thugs carry Gavrin and Sheyla easily out the back door. They are moving fast...but where too?

[The Thugs do not attack, they use double movement trying to get as far away from the tavern as possible]

DM wrote:As the Thieves look at the blood and gore, some start to have second thoughts about this particular fight, but then Cackle yells from across the room,"Kill them! Kill them ALL or I will hang you out for fish bait!" The thieves look at each other, and obey their order from their guild boss. They begin to split up. Two thieves surround Maximus, Two more surround Gregor, One heads for Gorlan, and the other heads towards Cheezus.

[Ok, I am going to give you all an Armor Class. Maximus is wearing scale mail armor AC17, Gregor is wearing studded hide armor AC 15, Gorlan is wearing just regular clothes AC 10 and he can add his intelligence modifier +3 so AC 13, Cheezus is wearing Leather Armor AC 12 and add 4 for dexterity so AC 16, Firnam wearing leather AC12 add 5 for dexterity, so AC 17, and Alastair is wearing just clothes, AC 10 + 5 for intelligence, so AC 15]

2 thieves attacking Maximus AC17:

[5 MISS][18 HIT][DAMAGE 1d6: 5]

DM wrote:One thief with wild red hair and a long red mustache tries to hack at Maximus. Maximus can't really believe how stupid these guys are. None of them really fight like they have ever been in a fight before...maybe it's just because he is a battle hardened mercenary~But at least give me someone that knows what the f*ck they're doing!~he thinks to himself. The red headed man misses Maximus by what seems a mile, but as Maximus dodges the blow the skinny black haired thief with the bad acne scars jabs Maximus just under one of the metal scales of his armor and finds a tiny weak spot. The point of the thief's short sword just penetrates into Maximus' side. Maximus immediately reacts to the attack. He becomes angry and his Genasi energy lines begin to burn like a bright furnace, flames begin to wisp around his head like a fiery halo, and then his massive arm becomes enveloped in flame and he defends himself with a fiery backhand.


[Thieves Reflex 11 vs Maximus' Strength +4 and FirePulse modifier +2: 9+4+2=15 HIT][DAMAGE 1d6+4: 8]

DM wrote:Maximus' mighty backhanded smash against the nasty little pock faced thief, sends the thief flying across the room and slamming into the wall breaking bones. The elemental fire from Maximus' forearm has scorched the man's face beyond any noticeable recognition and the thief's burnt carcass sits in the tavern smoldering and reeking of burned flesh. ~I think that should cure that little acne problem of yours, kid!~Maximus jokes to himself with a little Genasi humor.

The next two thieves have Gregor flanked. There is a tall beanpole thief and a chubby one with bucked teeth. The chubby one has positioned himself for a strike to Gregor's back.

[Beanpole Thief vs Gregor's AC15:12 MISS][Chubby Thief Sneak Attack +2: 10 MISS]

DM wrote:The Beanpole thief swipes wildly at Gregor and Gregor easily steps away. The Chubby thief wasn't prepared for Gregor's movement right at the moment he was going to sink his blade deep into Gregor's spine, and the thief stumbles to the floor from the force of his strike and the weight of his blade. Gregor can't help but think that the Chubby Thief and the Beanpole Thief kind of remind him of his cousins Drok and Ronk, but then he remembers that he is still a bit drunk from that wine, and tries to get that nonsense out of his head.

Then the other thief sneaks through the melee, and squeaks past the towering Genasi and HalfOrc. He is heading straight for Gorlan.

"That was me friend you killed, you toad! Prepare yourself to die!"

The thief strikes with his shortsword, and Gorlan defends himself the best that he can. ~If I knew I was going to be in a sword fight today, I would have gotten myself some better armor!~he scolds himself for not wearing some fine chainmail, but all he wanted to do was just relax!

[Scurvy Thief Attack vs Gorlan's AC13: 9 MISS]

DM wrote:The scurvy thief swings for Gorlan's head, but Gorlan was swift enough to duck. Air was the only thing that that thief hit this time!

The next thief has a tattoo of a dragon on the side of his face and rushes towards the Elf that tried to kill his boss.

"I'll make a pile of fairy meat out of you and feed you to my dogs for the next week!"

The thief charges Cheezus (not noticing Alastair taking cover behind a table just across the way) and makes his attack

[Tattoo Thief +1 for a charge vs Cheezus' AC16: 1 MISS]

DM wrote:The tattooed thief is too slow for the reflexes of the cleric. Cheezus easily steps out of harms way and the thief stabs the side of the bar. The thief's blade is stuck and he is struggling to pull it out.

[Next up to take actions: Firnam and then Cheezus]
Last edited by CreepersWiener on Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby safariguy5 on Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:11 pm

Point of Order, are the two thugs out from behind Cackle's cover? And do any of us have line of sight of either of them?
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:37 pm

safariguy5 wrote:Point of Order, are the two thugs out from behind Cackle's cover? And do any of us have line of sight of either of them?

Cackle is blocking the doorway and line of sight as the two thugs retreat, they moved five spaces to the doorway after grabbing Gavrin and Sheyla, and they have moved another 5 spaces from the doorway and are now retreating outside. You are about 10 spaces away from Cackle and the doorway, and you are about 15 spaces away from the thugs outside.

So, this is where everyone is from you:

Thief vs Maximus-they are about 7 spaces from you
2 thieves vs Gregor-7 spaces
Thief vs Gorlan-5 spaces
Thief vs Cheezus-3 spaces
you are 5 spaces from Mr.Urlag lying on the floor unconscious, 10 spaces from Cackle and the rear entrance, and 15 spaces away from the thugs.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby Quirk on Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:07 pm

I'll be going to sleep soon, so after Firnam goes my action will be:

Cheezus takes another shot at Cackle.
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pancakemix wrote:Quirk, you are a bastard. That is all.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby CreepersWiener on Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:37 am

[Point of Order: Firnam is the only player character that is able to save Sheyla or Gavrin at the moment]
Army of GOD wrote:I joined this game because it's so similar to Call of Duty.
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Re: D&D: The Warlock's Boots (Recruitment Full)

Postby slowreactor on Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:38 am

Firnam sees two thugs trying to drag two unconscious bodies out of the back door. He looks ahead, to see if there is any place he can ambush them ahead, with the least chance of retaliation as possible. He doesn't want to have to fight them in open fields - 2v1 is still a bad number. He hopes to be able to dispatch 1 without even being detected, and then get the 2nd while the guy is in shock from his buddy being out.

P.S. do I have any ranged weapons (throwing knives, darts, etc.)?
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