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f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Just_essence on Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:07 am

I do play games here. And I do have bad streaks as well.
However, it seems that my reaction and your reaction seem to differ.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby codierose on Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:23 am

Just_essence wrote:I do play games here. And I do have bad streaks as well.
However, it seems that my reaction and your reaction seem to differ.

10 games to me is not what i call play games thats why it differs
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby chang50 on Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:57 am

codierose wrote:
Just_essence wrote:I do play games here. And I do have bad streaks as well.
However, it seems that my reaction and your reaction seem to differ.

10 games to me is not what i call play games thats why it differs

Is 5868 games without once complaining about the dice enough to offer an opinion?Just essence is 100% correct,we all have bad streaks,some of us just suck it up,others throw puerile hissy fits.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby JimTapken on Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:28 pm

Just_essence wrote:JimTapken- You realize that atmospheric noise is random, right? [Atmospheric noise is used by to produce random numbers]

this is how random works (since you have no idea how "random" works)

sub randompass {
srand(time ^ $$);
my @passset = ('1'..'3', '6'..'2', '5'..'4');
my $randpass = "";
for ( $i=0; $i<6; $i++) {
$randpass .= $passset[int(rand($#passset + 1))];
return $randpass;


this is what is returned.

return $randpass;

ONCE THE NUMBERS ARE CHOSEN they are sent back to you... its already set in stone.. whats given on the random.orgs server is exactly what returns to you..

Notice the people who run their mouths about how random these dice are, are the ones that win all the time.. if Andy wouldn't rig the system for high rankers and investors... you would see a whole diff ballgame with these dice..

I am building a random deal for 3 dice, numbers one through six for each and when I get it complete all you "know it alls" will see how you were sucked into this sites bullshit claim of randomness and that you are totally ignorant to how programming works.

I think you need to take a programming class so you understand.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:39 pm

HighlanderAttack wrote:Image
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Just_essence on Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:46 pm

Tapken- I know it's only pseudo-random. There is no algorithm that can be random, because it's an algorithm. With or without programming knowledge, anyone can understand that fact.
However, what is so unintuitive about assigning corresponding numbers to possible values of atmospheric noise at one time and collecting the data through use of computers? It's not an algorithm they use. Whether they're telling the truth is up to you to find out.
Once again, randomness need not show on the results of a "random" process. It's not equal ratios of numbers, which is a mistaken conception of "randomness". It is an equal opportunity for each number to be chosen.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby JimTapken on Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:47 pm

and here are my nice bullshit dice numbers for the 6th month in a row in the negatives for overall battle outcomes

JimTapken 4.5 vs all opponents
3 vs 2 3 vs 1 2 vs 2 2 vs 1 1 vs 2 1 vs 1
Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses
Assault -14% 8 12 +1% 8 4 0 0 +9% 4 2 0 0 +58% 3 0
Defend -46% 0 2 -26% 1 12 0 0 -9% 2 4 0 0 +2% 3 2
Total -17% 8 14 -13% 9 16

again.. nothing about your system is random.

and whats this 1v1 crap? you can't attack with 1 troop

go to school and learn some code before you try and rationalize anything about these dice.. a program is written, with directives that tell it what tasks to perform, (that is not random)... even my code is not considered truly random for the plain and simple reason:

its written by man... its a program language that has boundaries set by tasks that are controlled by UNNATURAL forces, (mans manipulation of code) such as a link to a website, a form function telling it where to go and what to do when it gets there... etc.

comps only know what we PROGRAM them to know.. a hard drive is a blank disc basically when you buy it... you have to set partitions, install what language (OS) it is to use, and it is limited by the basic language ALL computers use... man made language.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for computers to perform a task that it has not been directed to perform from another function or directive.... period.

it is pure, unadulterated luck with these dice. There is no right time or wrong time to throw dice or everybody and their mother would all roll: at 8 pm, when the moon is full, and your girlfriend has her monthly visit, and your sister gives birth to her first born, future mass murderer.

there is no weather patterns that cause the dice to TUMBLE around in deep space, no noise for it to bounce off of because in space: dumb asses, there is no noise. you cannot have sound without an atmosphere.

and for the server in Ireland or Scotland or Dar Four or wherever they claim this so called random comp is at, is not going to travel through wires, its going to travel in space til it reaches the proper satellite that it needs to get it back to this site.

What an uneducated logic for you people to believe in.
I'll bet you people believe in Bigfoot, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny.
Your analogies of what you THINK you know are outsmarting your common sense.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Just_essence on Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:05 pm

Again, you could roll 1's for the rest of your life and it will never disprove the "randomness".
1v1 crap? I don't remember saying anything about that. And you can attack with 1 troop. Use a 2 stack and attack something.
Again, they don't actually roll dice and they don't use a program. Atmospheric noise. You know, in the general "Assign a value to all possible states of the noise at one time, then collect the data" and then transfoming it into the numbers 1-6 for dice.
there is no weather patterns that cause the dice to TUMBLE around in deep space, no noise for it to bounce off of because in space: dumb asses, there is no noise. you cannot have sound without an atmosphere.

What? Deep space? I don't remember mentioning anything about that. They don't have devices in space. They're right here on Earth. Where there is, coincidentially, an atmosphere perfectly capable of producing random atmoshperic noise.
And no, I do not believe in Bigfoot, Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Gabriel13 on Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:21 pm

JimTapken wrote:and here are my nice bullshit dice numbers for the 6th month in a row in the negatives for overall battle outcomes

JimTapken 4.5 vs all opponents
3 vs 2 3 vs 1 2 vs 2 2 vs 1 1 vs 2 1 vs 1
Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses
Assault -14% 8 12 +1% 8 4 0 0 +9% 4 2 0 0 +58% 3 0
Defend -46% 0 2 -26% 1 12 0 0 -9% 2 4 0 0 +2% 3 2
Total -17% 8 14 -13% 9 16

again.. nothing about your system is random.

and whats this 1v1 crap? you can't attack with 1 troop

go to school and learn some code before you try and rationalize anything about these dice.. a program is written, with directives that tell it what tasks to perform, (that is not random)... even my code is not considered truly random for the plain and simple reason:

its written by man... its a program language that has boundaries set by tasks that are controlled by UNNATURAL forces, (mans manipulation of code) such as a link to a website, a form function telling it where to go and what to do when it gets there... etc.

comps only know what we PROGRAM them to know.. a hard drive is a blank disc basically when you buy it... you have to set partitions, install what language (OS) it is to use, and it is limited by the basic language ALL computers use... man made language.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for computers to perform a task that it has not been directed to perform from another function or directive.... period.

it is pure, unadulterated luck with these dice. There is no right time or wrong time to throw dice or everybody and their mother would all roll: at 8 pm, when the moon is full, and your girlfriend has her monthly visit, and your sister gives birth to her first born, future mass murderer.

there is no weather patterns that cause the dice to TUMBLE around in deep space, no noise for it to bounce off of because in space: dumb asses, there is no noise. you cannot have sound without an atmosphere.

and for the server in Ireland or Scotland or Dar Four or wherever they claim this so called random comp is at, is not going to travel through wires, its going to travel in space til it reaches the proper satellite that it needs to get it back to this site.

What an uneducated logic for you people to believe in.
I'll bet you people believe in Bigfoot, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny.
Your analogies of what you THINK you know are outsmarting your common sense.

Assault 0% 3.51 150953 155544 153638 155414 154581 154051 0% 3.50 83751 85483 85348 85340 85689 84606
Defend 0% 3.51 58394 59179 59373 59640 59180 59483 0% 3.50 108973 111211 109912 110780 110585 109890
Total 0% 3.51 209347 214723 213011 215054 213761 213534 0% 3.50 192724 196694 195260 196120 196274 194496

Okay, look. This is my total dice rolls, assault, defense, and total.

3.51 on all three for me

3.5 on all three for my opponents.

Obviously, I have played VERY many games, and I've had A TON of rolls, yet it's 0%, so clearly it all evens out, and this is random. You're a fucking dumbass if you think it is not random. f*ck off and good day sir.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby JimTapken on Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:15 pm

run your mouth over the internet moron.... yeah you're real tough.....

for one.. where are your negative percentages ass wipe?.. i see none...

so don't try comparing apples to oranges....and of course you are a protected high rank so you don't even count moron.

just keep investing money here and they will keep giving you your points back
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:31 pm

JimTapken wrote:and here are my nice bullshit dice numbers for the 6th month in a row in the negatives for overall battle outcomes

JimTapken 4.5 vs all opponents
3 vs 2 3 vs 1 2 vs 2 2 vs 1 1 vs 2 1 vs 1
Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses
Assault -14% 8 12 +1% 8 4 0 0 +9% 4 2 0 0 +58% 3 0
Defend -46% 0 2 -26% 1 12 0 0 -9% 2 4 0 0 +2% 3 2
Total -17% 8 14 -13% 9 16

again.. nothing about your system is random.

and whats this 1v1 crap? you can't attack with 1 troop

go to school and learn some code before you try and rationalize anything about these dice.. a program is written, with directives that tell it what tasks to perform, (that is not random)... even my code is not considered truly random for the plain and simple reason:

its written by man... its a program language that has boundaries set by tasks that are controlled by UNNATURAL forces, (mans manipulation of code) such as a link to a website, a form function telling it where to go and what to do when it gets there... etc.

comps only know what we PROGRAM them to know.. a hard drive is a blank disc basically when you buy it... you have to set partitions, install what language (OS) it is to use, and it is limited by the basic language ALL computers use... man made language.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for computers to perform a task that it has not been directed to perform from another function or directive.... period.

it is pure, unadulterated luck with these dice. There is no right time or wrong time to throw dice or everybody and their mother would all roll: at 8 pm, when the moon is full, and your girlfriend has her monthly visit, and your sister gives birth to her first born, future mass murderer.

there is no weather patterns that cause the dice to TUMBLE around in deep space, no noise for it to bounce off of because in space: dumb asses, there is no noise. you cannot have sound without an atmosphere.

and for the server in Ireland or Scotland or Dar Four or wherever they claim this so called random comp is at, is not going to travel through wires, its going to travel in space til it reaches the proper satellite that it needs to get it back to this site.

What an uneducated logic for you people to believe in.
I'll bet you people believe in Bigfoot, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny.
Your analogies of what you THINK you know are outsmarting your common sense.

I am confused. You are saying in one sentence that the dice aren't random and then a little farther down in your post you are saying "it is pure, unadulterated luck with these dice."

So go ahead and call me a few names and when you are done please explain to my how they dice aren't random again. But type slower so I can understand.

Now I don't know how random the dice are but I do believe that you and I get the same kind of dice.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby mviola on Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:16 am

JimTapken wrote:and here are my nice bullshit dice numbers for the 6th month in a row in the negatives for overall battle outcomes

JimTapken 4.5 vs all opponents
3 vs 2 3 vs 1 2 vs 2 2 vs 1 1 vs 2 1 vs 1
Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses Luck Kills Losses
Assault -14% 8 12 +1% 8 4 0 0 +9% 4 2 0 0 +58% 3 0
Defend -46% 0 2 -26% 1 12 0 0 -9% 2 4 0 0 +2% 3 2
Total -17% 8 14 -13% 9 16

That's like 30 rolls.

You may know some programming, but your statistics knowledge is lacking.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Army of GOD on Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:26 am

JimTapken wrote:run your mouth over the internet moron.... yeah you're real tough.....

for one.. where are your negative percentages ass wipe?.. i see none...

so don't try comparing apples to oranges....and of course you are a protected high rank so you don't even count moron.

just keep investing money here and they will keep giving you your points back

You wanna fight you douchenozzle?
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Gabriel13 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:07 am

JimTapken wrote:run your mouth over the internet moron.... yeah you're real tough.....

for one.. where are your negative percentages ass wipe?.. i see none...

so don't try comparing apples to oranges....and of course you are a protected high rank so you don't even count moron.

just keep investing money here and they will keep giving you your points back

I don't have negative percentages, because that's my overall dice.. It's even. You're investing money too. You're just a shitty player, and I happen tobe a good one.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby ManBungalow on Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:24 am

Just_essence wrote:JimTapken- You realize that atmospheric noise is random, right? [Atmospheric noise is used by to produce random numbers]

Yes, the only problem here is that it's too random.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Koganosi on Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:57 am

Imma go post a random string of number here!

9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 3, ......

Thing with random is, you can never be certain if its random. There is a little strip about a number genarator thingie on the net somewhere.

And why so much rage guys, dices are shit but dont go raging at eachother.

For pure bullshit etc. A few weeks ago during playing speed games I managed to get after 25 dice rolls, -85% total with my roles. So jeah must suck.

After my total rolls of 180k dice rolls, I managed to get 3,51% Wich in my eyes after all is kinda lucky caus I should have 3,50% right so I am at highest 0,014% lucky then others, this only if the number is scaled down through international rolls. My defenders though also got 3,51% so jeah evens out right. Thing is is 3,51% truly random or are rolls highers?


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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Butters1919 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:42 pm

Koganosi wrote:
After my total rolls of 180k dice rolls, I managed to get 3,51% Wich in my eyes after all is kinda lucky caus I should have 3,50% right so I am at highest 0,014% lucky then others, this only if the number is scaled down through international rolls. My defenders though also got 3,51% so jeah evens out right. Thing is is 3,51% truly random or are rolls highers?



Actually, the average of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is 3.51. So, you're perfectly average (like the rest of us)!
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Koganosi on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:49 pm

Total number of rolls is 21. Multiplied by the chance wich is 1/6 equals 3,5. How come the chances are 3,51 in your eyes.


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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Butters1919 on Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:04 pm

Koganosi wrote:Total number of rolls is 21. Multiplied by the chance wich is 1/6 equals 3,5. How come the chances are 3,51 in your eyes.



You are absolutely correct. I have no idea where that popped into my head. I recall being mystified that after so many "rolls" many of my averages were 3.51. Somewhere, likely after many pints, I calculated an average of 3.51!

My apologies!
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Koganosi on Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:51 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
Koganosi wrote:Total number of rolls is 21. Multiplied by the chance wich is 1/6 equals 3,5. How come the chances are 3,51 in your eyes.



You are absolutely correct. I have no idea where that popped into my head. I recall being mystified that after so many "rolls" many of my averages were 3.51. Somewhere, likely after many pints, I calculated an average of 3.51!

My apologies!

No worries mate, I thought my brain fucked up there but it didnt :P.

But jeah 3,51% if you see it very often then there should be something fishy with the dice ;). Caus if it was totally random it would show up 3,50% instead of 3,51% at most people. For instance according to my dice stats all 6 graphs, 1 is 3,50% all 5 others are 3,51% wich would asume. THe dice isnt totally random!


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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Gilligan on Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:59 pm

Remember that there are digits you are not seeing. It could actually be 3.505, which is a mere .005% above average.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Gilligan on Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:25 pm

For example -

I just calculated my attack average.

(98409*1)+(101180*2)+(100185*3)+(101251*4)+(100830*5)+(99817+6)/(98409+101180+100185+101251+100830+99817) = 3.50586366. Not quite 3.51.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby BigBallinStalin on Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:51 pm

ManBungalow wrote:
Just_essence wrote:JimTapken- You realize that atmospheric noise is random, right? [Atmospheric noise is used by to produce random numbers]

Yes, the only problem here is that it's too random.

Y'all realize that the government subsidizes atmospheric noise?

Think about it...

FCC also regulates the airwaves.

I think HA, JimTapken, and the others have a strong case of the crazies.

This is how it begins. First the dice, then your family. It always starts this way.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Koganosi on Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:56 am

Gilligan wrote:Remember that there are digits you are not seeing. It could actually be 3.505, which is a mere .005% above average.

True I was to lazy to write it down when I went to the upper part, should have also that the lowest part of my luck wich is 3,505%, so luckiest could be 3,514%.



ps: To be certain calc it but I am to lazy for it.
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Re: f*ck the BULLSHIT LUCK this site offers

Postby Gilligan on Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:23 am

Koganosi wrote:
Gilligan wrote:Remember that there are digits you are not seeing. It could actually be 3.505, which is a mere .005% above average.

True I was to lazy to write it down when I went to the upper part, should have also that the lowest part of my luck wich is 3,505%, so luckiest could be 3,514%.



ps: To be certain calc it but I am to lazy for it.

Luckiest is 3.549, not 3.514 :D
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