by Spiegelprime on Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:40 am
Yeah, if you want to get 'techincal' half the place on this map are no countries, just names I made up from regions within countries. The fact of the matter is the place you insist on calling Israel is made up of the State of Israel, the Palesinian Territories of Gaza and the West Bank. Thus it isn't just Israel. And if you look back into history, the fact is that up until the British took it over after World War I, it was called Jerusalem, the Independant Sanjak of Jerusalem. This game isn't about taking over 'countries' persay, as much as made up territories, not that the large majority of the countries in this region had their borders drawn by foriegn powers anyway, the real lines are just as irrelivant as the ones I made. So don't be so picky about what I called it, I was trying to avoid pissing off both sides of debate that has gripped this region for over 50 years, calling it Jerusalem was a compromise that seemed to fit better than having an overly long name like 'Israel and the Occupied Palestine Territories' or something.