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Does an apartheid state like Israel have the right to exist and spread its racism?

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Re: Chris Hughes Cleans House - All Zionists at New Republic

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:33 pm

Josh Levs of CNN reported this story in which he maniacally refers to the charge on the Israeli flag as a "Jewish star." What is universally known as the Star of David is renamed the "Jewish Star" to make sure he's able to whip-up as many Americans as possible into a wild-eyed frenzy of outrage. And CNN editors let it slide. Typical propaganda programming from the land of the free to reinforce the government's anti-Arab war message.

The political party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas posted a drawn image online showing a large pile of skulls and skeletons with Jewish stars on them. ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Joshua Levs, commonly known as Josh Levs, is an American broadcast journalist based in Atlanta, Georgia, who reports for the CNN news television network. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, where he was elected president of his United Synagogue Youth chapter and where a scholarship was established in his name. He later reported for NPR for over 10 years.
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Re: Chris Hughes Cleans House - All Zionists at New Republic

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:56 pm

Average Israelis savagely attack U.S. Marines and Diplomatic Security agents -

A confrontation broke out between security personnel from the American consulate and settlers from the Adei Ad outpost in the West Bank on Friday, after settlers hurled stones at two vehicles from the consulate. According to both Palestinian and settler sources, the American security guards drew their weapons at the settlers. An official from the village of Turmus Ayya, near the scene of the incident, said they invited the US delegation to examine thousands of olive tree seedlings which were uprooted on Thursday night – some belonging to Palestinians from the village who hold American citizenship. According to police, the settlers pelted the convoy with rocks, but neither side used their firearms.,7340 ... 73,00.html

This is typical Zionist behavior - pull up the bricks and stones from their American-taxpayer financed roads and buildings to hurl at American troops. And the U.S. will just send them money to rebuild the slums they create for themselves.
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Re: Israelis attack U.S. Marines and Diplomatic Security age

Postby DoomYoshi on Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:31 pm

Tell me when the marines are in Aleppo.
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Re: Israelis attack U.S. Marines and Diplomatic Security age

Postby 2dimes on Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:25 am

I did not read this but Saxi is on vacation or whatever so I have to post it for him. ... caxm1DAMOm
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Israel Bombs Miss Universe Pageant

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:51 pm

Israel has photo bombed the Miss Universe pageant -


Statement from Miss Lebanon

Miss Israel sounds like the weird annoying girl with no friends in the cafeteria at lunch who keeps trying to grab a seat at the cool kids table. No one likes you, honey, go back to talking to yourself in the math lab. (Also, is an anorexic albino really the most beautiful girl in Slovenia?).
Last edited by saxitoxin on Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Israel Bombs Miss Universe Pageant

Postby muy_thaiguy on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:57 pm

Oh no. Photo bombing pretentious people who take selfies. Whatever is the world coming too? :roll:

For the record, I view pretty much all "selfies" as pretentious.
"Eh, whatever."

What, you expected something deep or flashy?
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Re: Israel Bombs Miss Universe Pageant

Postby riskllama on Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:33 pm

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Re: Israel Bombs Miss Universe Pageant

Postby saxitoxin on Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:26 pm

Yesterday, the National Iranian-American Council took out a full-page ad in the New York Times mocking the Chief Zionist ahead of his U.S. trip.

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Re: NIAC Takes Full Page Ad Mocking Netanyahu

Postby DaGip on Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:51 am

Please stop spamming this thread.
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Re: Chris Hughes Cleans House - All Zionists at New Republic

Postby DaGip on Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:05 am

saxitoxin wrote:Josh Levs of CNN reported this story in which he maniacally refers to the charge on the Israeli flag as a "Jewish star." What is universally known as the Star of David is renamed the "Jewish Star" to make sure he's able to whip-up as many Americans as possible into a wild-eyed frenzy of outrage. And CNN editors let it slide. Typical propaganda programming from the land of the free to reinforce the government's anti-Arab war message.

The political party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas posted a drawn image online showing a large pile of skulls and skeletons with Jewish stars on them. ... ?hpt=hp_t2

Joshua Levs, commonly known as Josh Levs, is an American broadcast journalist based in Atlanta, Georgia, who reports for the CNN news television network. He received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, where he was elected president of his United Synagogue Youth chapter and where a scholarship was established in his name. He later reported for NPR for over 10 years.

The difference between a Jewish Star and the Star of David and the Seal of Solomon.



Star of David:


Seal of Solomon:


The Jewish Star of which is the only form of this Star not made by a Jew.
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Re: NIAC Takes Full Page Ad Mocking Netanyahu

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:31 pm

LOL, the Pro-Israel lobby is becoming utterly desperate. They just launched this new video to try to explain why American Jews are supporting the Palestinian cause, why the tired old catchphrases like "Israel just wants peace" only seem to work on stupid Christian goyim and not smart Jews, and how the Israelis can re-brand themselves by "emphasizing the achievements and depth of the world Zionist Revolution" [sic].

They are spot-on with their analysis of why the Israeli PR machine is grinding to a halt in the U.S. Fortunately, this is the kind-of introspection people only achieve before their ultimate defeat.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby tzor on Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:04 pm

Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist

The question I’m most often asked, thanks to my kippa, is why Jews vote leftist. The answer is simple: the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel. They care about secular leftism, which is their religion.

The polls show this. American Jews are the least religious religious group in America. Only 41 percent say that their religion is important to them in their daily life, according to a December 2012 Gallup poll; only 34 percent said they attend religious services at least monthly, compared with 65 percent who said they attended religious services seldom or never. 22 percent of Jews say they have no religion. According to an October 2013 Pew poll, just 38 percent of Jews say their Jewish identity has anything to do with Jewish religion at all. Just 10 percent of Jews identify as Orthodox – people who consider themselves fulfilling the commandments of the Torah.

As for Israel, just 30 percent of Jews say they are very attached to Israel. Only 43 percent of Jews have ever been to Israel. And here’s an amazing statistic: just 40 percent of Jews believe God gave Israel to the Jewish people. 27 percent say God didn’t, another 5 percent said they don’t know, and 28 percent said they didn’t believe in God at all.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:28 pm

tzor wrote:Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist

The question I’m most often asked, thanks to my kippa, is why Jews vote leftist. The answer is simple: the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel. They care about secular leftism, which is their religion.

The polls show this. American Jews are the least religious religious group in America. Only 41 percent say that their religion is important to them in their daily life, according to a December 2012 Gallup poll; only 34 percent said they attend religious services at least monthly, compared with 65 percent who said they attended religious services seldom or never. 22 percent of Jews say they have no religion. According to an October 2013 Pew poll, just 38 percent of Jews say their Jewish identity has anything to do with Jewish religion at all. Just 10 percent of Jews identify as Orthodox – people who consider themselves fulfilling the commandments of the Torah.

As for Israel, just 30 percent of Jews say they are very attached to Israel. Only 43 percent of Jews have ever been to Israel. And here’s an amazing statistic: just 40 percent of Jews believe God gave Israel to the Jewish people. 27 percent say God didn’t, another 5 percent said they don’t know, and 28 percent said they didn’t believe in God at all.

IOW, Israel is a theocracy. This is probably the first thing Ben Shapiro and I have ever agreed upon.

Which is remarkable; Shapiro is the guy whose views were so out in La-La Land, even for Israeli supporters, that he had to apologize and retract to keep his job. Even Israel-nut Jeff Goldberg attacked him when he called for the ethnic cleansing / genocide of all Christians and Muslims in the West Bank. He's basically the Zionist David Duke. I mean look at his evil face ... if The Beast is now alive and walking on Earth, odds are it's Ben Shapiro ...


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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby tzor on Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:48 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Which is remarkable; Shapiro is the guy whose views were so out in La-La Land, ...

Wow, how Commiecratic of you. You agree with him but you have to character assassinate him with ... (hey was that a Polonium-210 spiked dagger you used there?)

Would you prefer I post videos from Debbie Schlussel then? :twisted:
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Apr 15, 2015 1:58 pm

Ben Shapiro is the guy who once said he wanted to murder Big Bird. Even the head Zionist apologist, Jeff Goldberg, compared Ben Shapiro to Meier Kahane, the ringleader of the designated global terrorist network JDL.

Ben Shapiro is loyal to Israel. America is just a place for him to hang out. If he didn't need the U.S. for his income, he'd renounce his citizenship tomorrow. He'd steal U.S. nuclear secrets for Israel and cackle as they were used to take out Manhattan if it helped Israel (keep in mind, the FBI has publicly acknowledged they have thwarted at least 2 JDL terror attacks on American soil). So of course he had no problem when he called for the ethnic cleansing of Christians and Muslims living in the West Bank. Ben Shapiro is, at minimum, a sleeper agent / traitor. He despises America and Americans, and is miserable he has to milk what he considers "stupid goy" for a paycheck.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby tzor on Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:21 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Ben Shapiro is the guy who once said he wanted to murder Big Bird.

Note to self, saxitoxin has a big bird fetish. :twisted:

But on a more serious note, you aren't helping your case any. And your antisemitic rant doesn't help it much either. Citing Elite Leftist Jeffrey Mark Goldberg only goes to show your obvious bias (and tendency to love those who love character assassination) like any writer for left leaning rags like The New Yorker and The Atlantic. But are you sure you really want to hitch your wagon to him?

For the past decade, Jeffrey Goldberg has peddled blatantly false war propaganda with disastrous consequences, fronted for the military-industrial machine, played a key PR role pushing America into war with Iraq, and advanced the agenda of the Israeli military-intel establishment—but he has never had to account for his failures and his lies. Put another way: If Judith Miller was a dweeby Ivy League graduate who worked as a detention camp guard holding Palestinian prisoners, and she never had to answer for her journalistic fraud after being exposed, she would be Jeffrey Goldberg.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:03 pm

tzor wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:Ben Shapiro is the guy who once said he wanted to murder Big Bird.

Note to self, saxitoxin has a big bird fetish. :twisted:

But on a more serious note, you aren't helping your case any. And your antisemitic rant doesn't help it much either. Citing Elite Leftist Jeffrey Mark Goldberg only goes to show your obvious bias (and tendency to love those who love character assassination) like any writer for left leaning rags like The New Yorker and The Atlantic. But are you sure you really want to hitch your wagon to him?

For the past decade, Jeffrey Goldberg has peddled blatantly false war propaganda with disastrous consequences, fronted for the military-industrial machine, played a key PR role pushing America into war with Iraq, and advanced the agenda of the Israeli military-intel establishment—but he has never had to account for his failures and his lies. Put another way: If Judith Miller was a dweeby Ivy League graduate who worked as a detention camp guard holding Palestinian prisoners, and she never had to answer for her journalistic fraud after being exposed, she would be Jeffrey Goldberg.

I've been pretty clear Jeffrey Goldberg is despicable in my two previous posts. As my point was, if even a horrible human being and unrepetent Zionist like Jeffrey Goldberg thinks Ben Shapiro goes too far, the guy really must be a nutcase.

Tzor - four reasonable questions. (1) Do you support the U.S.-designated terrorist organization JDL and do you wish they had succeeded in their attacks on American soil and American citizens that the (anti-Semitic?) FBI stopped? (2) Do you also, like Ben Shapiro, want to see Christians and Muslims ethnically cleansed from the West Bank? (3) Did you celebrate when Israel machine-gunned to death (anti-Semitic?) American sailors who had escaped the USS Liberty as they were desperately begging for their lives in the Mediterranean and pleading with IDF soldiers not to kill them? (4) Do you believe the citizens of Israel have been specially chosen by the Babylonian god of agriculture Y**w*h the Magnificent to rule Earth and you think you can earn this god's favor by throwing your country under the bus if Israel asks you to?
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:19 pm

Netanyahu Hates Holocaust Survivors Except as Props for his Political Career

A day before Holocaust Remembrance Day, Ynet took a closer look at the status of Holocaust survivors living in Israel and found that, despite government initiatives, Holocaust survivors are living in a state of poverty and neglect. Take, for example, Yitzhak Liybeh – a 75 year-old from Romania who lost his two brothers during World War II who lives in Jerusalem. Lonely and disabled, Liybeh has no pension (he worked as an independent plumber) and lives off of NIS 2,800 a month which he receives as part of an old-age pension and income support.

Home of Holocaust survivor in Israel.,7340 ... 92,00.html
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby warmonger1981 on Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:19 pm

Y*w*h is tetragrammaton Adonai,Yahweh,Jehovah.

The Star of Soloman has esoteric meanings of male and female genitalia.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby 2dimes on Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:26 pm

warmonger1981 wrote:Y*w*h is tetragrammaton Adonai,Yahweh,Jehovah.

The last one is a red herring. I suspect the Tetragrammaton was to get people to stop using God's name in vain as it probably lead to some destructive things happening.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby mrswdk on Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:46 am

saxitoxin wrote:Netanyahu Hates Holocaust Survivors Except as Props for his Political Career

A day before Holocaust Remembrance Day, Ynet took a closer look at the status of Holocaust survivors living in Israel and found that, despite government initiatives, Holocaust survivors are living in a state of poverty and neglect. Take, for example, Yitzhak Liybeh – a 75 year-old from Romania who lost his two brothers during World War II who lives in Jerusalem. Lonely and disabled, Liybeh has no pension (he worked as an independent plumber) and lives off of NIS 2,800 a month which he receives as part of an old-age pension and income support.

Home of Holocaust survivor in Israel.,7340 ... 92,00.html

Not being funny but if you spent a couple of years in Auschwitz you'd probably be okay with the bathroom in your apartment being a little small.
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby tzor on Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:28 am

saxitoxin wrote:Tzor - four reasonable questions. (1) Do you support the U.S.-designated terrorist organization JDL and do you wish they had succeeded in their attacks on American soil and American citizens that the (anti-Semitic?) FBI stopped? (2) Do you also, like Ben Shapiro, want to see Christians and Muslims ethnically cleansed from the West Bank? (3) Did you celebrate when Israel machine-gunned to death (anti-Semitic?) American sailors who had escaped the USS Liberty as they were desperately begging for their lives in the Mediterranean and pleading with IDF soldiers not to kill them? (4) Do you believe the citizens of Israel have been specially chosen by the Babylonian god of agriculture Y**w*h the Magnificent to rule Earth and you think you can earn this god's favor by throwing your country under the bus if Israel asks you to?

Are you sure they are reasonable? They seem more irrational to me.

(1) The JDL you say ... let me check back in my memory where things are still stored in microfiche. No, never did and never will.

(2) Interesting allegation you post here. Can you post something to back up this allegation? (And if I am right why are you dragging up a 12 year old issue?)

(3) Speaking of dragging up incidents ... did you just drag up an incident of the six day war? That's 48 years old and almost as old as I am!

(4) I believe that God gave to the twelve tribes of Israel, thousands of years ago, the ONLY PART OF THE MIDDLE EAST THAT HASN'T A DROP OF OIL. (Save Olive Oil of course, but she is married to Popeye.) I believe my county has already been thrown under the bus by our relationship with the house of Saud, actually. I believe that there is one thing that can save mankind from the greatest evil in the world and that is in Israel (actually in the Gaza Strip). (I'm speaking of the evil of CORN SYRUP and how Soda Stream syrups use real sugar!)

So let's see if I have gotten this right. You seem to be stuck in a time warp, reliving the late 60's (don't worry I'm sure the Clinton's do it every day as Hillary boards her Mystery Van on her way to the White House). You need to let it go. Here, have some of my Soda Stream Soda.

Perhaps it is time for my own four questions.

(1) Do you agree with the Charter of Hamas when it says, "Israel, by virtue of its being Jewish and of having a Jewish population, defies Islam and the Muslims."
(2) Do you agree with the announcement of Hamas last year as reported in the Jerusalem Post that "it never gave Abbas or anyone else a mandate to agree to the two-state solution."
(3) Do you believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization and recognized as such by nations such as Australia?
(4) Do you agree with what Ahmad Bahr, Deputy Speaker of the Hamas Parliament, stated in a sermon that aired on Al-Aqsa TV in 2012?
If the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty, incumbent on every Muslim, male or female. A woman may set out [on Jihad] without her husband's permission, and a servant without his master's permission. Why? In order to annihilate those Jews.... O Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. O Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters. O Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one.

BONUS QUESTION (5) When people shout death to America, (like Ahmad Bahr or Ayatollah Khamenei,) that they don't really mean it?
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:16 pm

tzor wrote:I believe that God gave to the twelve tribes of Israel, thousands of years ago ...

tzor wrote:So let's see if I have gotten this right. You seem to be stuck in a time warp, reliving the late 60's.

uh huh
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Re: Pro-Israel Side Panicking as American Jews Reject Zionis

Postby saxitoxin on Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:27 pm

Great news just announced this week! ... palestine/

A committee has been formed to move for the Episcopalian Church of the United States to join the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Christ in their boycott and economic divestment from "Israel." The matter will be taken up at the 78th General Synod in June. The motion will be presented by the Very Reverend Walter Brownridge, the Dean of the Cathedral of St. Andrew and Bishop of the Diocese of Hawaii, and has been authored by USMC veteran Dr. Derek Leebaert. When it passes, there will be 45 million Americans belonging to churches engaged in a boycott of "Israel." Momentum is building to bring the Abomination to its knees.
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