Conquer Club


Legends of the Zone
We are a Competive Clan. We formed this Clan with old friends who loved to play Risk. Now, we strive to master all the great games here at Conquer club as a growing TEAM. We will succeed. We will grow and... We will CONQUER!!! This is our club ---> Conquer
Average Score1,493.9
Score Range381-2,993
Clan War Record2/37 (5.4%)
Clan Game Record663/1837 (36.1%)
Tournament Record0/0
Tournament Score0
Details | Headquarters | Recruitment
Personnel: ScaryTeded (Leader), 1931roadster, actorday, crbluth, danfrank, Faro, fixitman4, Flanking You, GaryDenton, Gigi1, grayknight_2, Larry46, Leverpuller, Marie LaVeaux, MileHigh, MyTurnToWin, Pugsl3yPPugf0rd, rjhankey, Robert E Lee772, rocketman1, RUTHLESSNESS, seamusk, Shallimus, ultraman, VonBeseler, Wingnut 16ga


No Achievements

All Clan Wars

Id Name Clans Dates Status Score Winners
4133[CL13] [SD] R7 - AWOL vs LOTZAWOL VS LOTZ2022-04-11 - 2022-05-11War Complete/ Games InactiveAWOL 12 VS LOTZ 0 AWOLDetails
4132[CL13] [SD] R7 - LOTZ vs AWOLLOTZ VS AWOL2022-04-05 - 2022-05-17War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS AWOL 9 AWOLDetails
4123[CL13] [SD] R6 - GON vs LOTZGON VS LOTZ2022-03-11 - 2022-05-03War Complete/ Games InactiveGON 11 VS LOTZ 1 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
4122[CL13] [SD] R6 - LOTZ vs GONLOTZ VS GON2022-03-04 - 2022-04-07War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 8 VS GON 4 Legends of the ZoneDetails
4111[CL13] [SD] R5 - LOTZ vs RETLOTZ VS RET2022-02-16 - 2022-03-10War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS RET 8 RetributionDetails
4110[CL13] [SD] R5 - RET vs LOTZRET VS LOTZ2022-02-16 - 2022-03-24War Complete/ Games InactiveRET 12 VS LOTZ 0 RetributionDetails
4105[CL13] [SD] R4 - REP vs LOTZREP VS LOTZ2022-01-21 - 2022-02-26War Complete/ Games InactiveREP 12 VS LOTZ 0 The RepublicDetails
4104[CL13] [SD] R4 - LOTZ vs REPLOTZ VS REP2022-01-18 - 2022-03-07War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 2 VS REP 10 The RepublicDetails
4095[CL13] [SD] R3 - LOTZ vs TOPLOTZ VS TOP2021-12-23 - 2022-01-11War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS TOP 8 The Omega PantheonDetails
4094[CL13] [SD] R3 - TOP vs LOTZTOP VS LOTZ2021-12-21 - 2022-01-29War Complete/ Games InactiveTOP 11 VS LOTZ 1 The Omega PantheonDetails
4091[CL13] [SD] R2 - RGV vs LOTZRGV VS LOTZ2021-11-26 - 2021-12-18War Complete/ Games InactiveRGV 10 VS LOTZ 2 Royal Galactic VengeanceDetails
4090[CL13] [SD] R2 - LOTZ vs RGVLOTZ VS RGV2021-11-21 - 2021-12-25War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS RGV 9 Royal Galactic VengeanceDetails
4081[CL13] [SD] R1 - LOTZ vs KNTLOTZ VS KNT2021-11-08 - 2021-11-29War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 5 VS KNT 7 Knights TemplarDetails
4080[CL13] [SD] R1 - KNT vs LOTZKNT VS LOTZ2021-11-04 - 2021-11-25War Complete/ Games InactiveKNT 9 VS LOTZ 3 Knights TemplarDetails
3885Retribution vs Legends of the Zone - Feb 2021RET VS LOTZ2021-03-03 - 2021-06-02War Complete/ Games InactiveRET 28 VS LOTZ 13 RetributionDetails
3572[CL11] [SD] - Round 9 - LOTZ vs. KNTLOTZ VS KNT2020-03-22 - 2020-04-06War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS KNT 4 Legends of the Zone, Knights TemplarDetails
3571[CL11] [SD] - Round 9 - KNT vs. LOTZKNT VS LOTZ2020-03-25 - 2020-04-15War Complete/ Games InactiveKNT 6 VS LOTZ 2 Knights TemplarDetails
3566[CL11] [SD] - Round 8 - BOB vs. LOTZBOB VS LOTZ2020-03-04 - 2020-03-22War Complete/ Games InactiveBOB 6 VS LOTZ 2 Band of BrothersDetails
3565[CL11] [SD] - Round 8 - LOTZ vs. BOBLOTZ VS BOB2020-03-01 - 2020-03-10War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 5 VS BOB 3 Legends of the ZoneDetails
3554[CL11] [SD] - Round 7 - LOTZ vs. AFOSLOTZ VS AFOS2020-02-14 - 2020-03-01War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS AFOS 5 A Fistful of SixesDetails
3553[CL11] [SD] - Round 7 - AFOS vs. LOTZAFOS VS LOTZ2020-02-19 - 2020-03-16War Complete/ Games InactiveAFOS 7 VS LOTZ 1 A Fistful of SixesDetails
3552[CL11] [SD] - Round 6 - GON vs. LOTZGON VS LOTZ2020-02-05 - 2020-02-23War Complete/ Games InactiveGON 8 VS LOTZ 0 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
3551[CL11] [SD] - Round 6 - LOTZ vs. GONLOTZ VS GON2020-01-29 - 2020-02-19War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 7 VS GON 1 Legends of the ZoneDetails
3536[CL11] [SD] - Round 4 - LOTZ vs. ICONLOTZ VS ICON2019-12-24 - 2020-01-10War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 0 VS ICON 8 Insanity Claimed Our NoodlesDetails
3535[CL11] [SD] - Round 4 - ICON vs. LOTZICON VS LOTZ2019-12-26 - 2020-01-14War Complete/ Games InactiveICON 7 VS LOTZ 1 Insanity Claimed Our NoodlesDetails
3522[CL11] [SD] - Round 3 - DBD vs. LOTZDBD VS LOTZ2019-12-01 - 2019-12-19War Complete/ Games InactiveDBD 5 VS LOTZ 3 Death by DiceDetails
3521[CL11] [SD] - Round 3 - LOTZ vs. DBDLOTZ VS DBD2019-12-02 - 2019-12-23War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 0 VS DBD 8 Death by DiceDetails
3518[CL11] [SD] - Round 2 - LOTZ vs. RETLOTZ VS RET2019-11-24 - 2020-01-02War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 5 VS RET 3 Legends of the ZoneDetails
3517[CL11] [SD] - Round 2 - RET vs. LOTZRET VS LOTZ2019-11-27 - 2019-12-27War Complete/ Games InactiveRET 6 VS LOTZ 2 RetributionDetails
3507[CL11] [SD] - Round 1 - RGV vs. LOTZRGV VS LOTZ2019-11-05 - 2019-11-20War Complete/ Games InactiveRGV 4 VS LOTZ 4 Royal Galactic Vengeance, Legends of the ZoneDetails
3506[CL11] [SD] - Round 1 - LOTZ vs. RGVLOTZ VS RGV2019-11-09 - 2019-11-26War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS RGV 5 Royal Galactic VengeanceDetails
3409Insanity Claimed Our Noodles vs Legends of the Zone - Jun 2019ICON VS LOTZ2019-07-12 - 2019-09-01War Complete/ Games InactiveICON 32 VS LOTZ 9 Insanity Claimed Our NoodlesDetails
3055[IC1] Death by Dice vs Legends of the Zone - July 2018DBD VS LOTZ - War Hold/ Games NoneDBD 0 VS LOTZ 0 Death by DiceDetails
2968[CC8] Les Hussards du Dragon vs Legends of the Zone - Feb 2018LHDD VS LOTZ2018-03-11 - 2018-05-23War Complete/ Games InactiveLHDD 42 VS LOTZ 1 Les Hussards du DragonDetails
2729Headless Horsemen vs Legends of the Zone - June 2017VNM VS LOTZ2017-06-24 - 2017-08-18War Complete/ Games InactiveVNM 26 VS LOTZ 15 VenomDetails
2717[MWr] Legends of the Zone vs Imperial DragoonsLOTZ VS ID 2017-06-02 - 2017-06-21War Hold/ Games InactiveLOTZ 9 VS ID 12 Imperial DragoonsDetails
2675[MWr] Legends of the Zone vs Les Hussards du Dragon - Apr 2017LOTZ VS LHDD2017-04-28 - 2017-05-19War Hold/ Games InactiveLOTZ 7 VS LHDD 14 Les Hussards du DragonDetails
2674[MW] Fire and Dice vs Legends of the Zone - Apr 2017FAD VS LOTZ2017-04-30 - 2017-05-24War Hold/ Games InactiveFAD 10 VS LOTZ 11 Legends of the ZoneDetails
2605[CC7] Risk Attackers vs Legends of the Zone - Jan 2017RA VS LOTZ2017-01-15 - 2017-04-25War Complete/ Games InactiveRA 22 VS LOTZ 15 Risk AttackersDetails
2563Legends of the Zone vs Fiso - Oct 2016LOTZ VS FSC2016-11-03 - 2016-12-23War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 26 VS FSC 35 FiascoDetails
2426CL8 SD - Rd11 - FAD vs LOTZFAD VS LOTZ2017-03-25 - 2017-04-12War Complete/ Games InactiveFAD 6 VS LOTZ 2 Fire and DiceDetails
2425CL8 SD - Rd11 - LOTZ vs FADLOTZ VS FAD2017-03-30 - 2017-04-25War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 2 VS FAD 6 Fire and DiceDetails
2416CL8 SD - Rd10 - TS vs LOTZTS VS LOTZ2017-03-13 - 2017-03-31War Complete/ Games InactiveTS 4 VS LOTZ 4 Tank Squad, Legends of the ZoneDetails
2415CL8 SD - Rd10 - LOTZ vs TSLOTZ VS TS2017-03-12 - 2017-04-09War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 6 VS TS 2 Legends of the ZoneDetails
2403CL8 SD - Rd9 - LOTZ vs LOWLOTZ VS LOW2017-03-03 - 2017-04-07War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS LOW 5 Legends of WarDetails
2402CL8 SD - Rd9 - LOW vs LOTZLOW VS LOTZ2017-02-28 - 2017-03-31War Complete/ Games InactiveLOW 5 VS LOTZ 3 Legends of WarDetails
2395CL8 SD - Rd8 - LOTZ vs SOHLOTZ VS SOH2017-02-17 - 2017-03-14War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 1 VS SOH 7 Spelunkers of HellDetails
2394CL8 SD - Rd8 - SOH vs LOTZSOH VS LOTZ2017-02-14 - 2017-02-22War Complete/ Games InactiveSOH 7 VS LOTZ 1 Spelunkers of HellDetails
2387CL8 SD - Rd7 - LOTZ vs FISOLOTZ VS FSC2017-02-01 - 2017-02-20War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 5 VS FSC 3 Legends of the ZoneDetails
2386CL8 SD - Rd7 - FISO vs LOTZFSC VS LOTZ2017-01-31 - 2017-02-25War Complete/ Games InactiveFSC 7 VS LOTZ 1 FiascoDetails
2377CL8 SD - Rd6 - LOTZ vs PHNXLOTZ VS PHNX2017-01-22 - 2017-03-06War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS PHNX 5 PhoenixDetails
2376CL8 SD - Rd6 - PHNX vs LOTZPHNX VS LOTZ2017-01-18 - 2017-01-31War Complete/ Games InactivePHNX 5 VS LOTZ 3 PhoenixDetails
2369CL8 SD - Rd5 - LOTZ vs HHLOTZ VS VNM2016-12-11 - 2017-01-16War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS VNM 5 VenomDetails
2368CL8 SD - Rd5 - HH vs LOTZVNM VS LOTZ2016-12-09 - 2017-01-07War Complete/ Games InactiveVNM 6 VS LOTZ 2 VenomDetails
2361CL8 SD - Rd4 - LOTZ vs RALOTZ VS RA2016-12-01 - 2017-01-21War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS RA 4 Legends of the Zone, Risk AttackersDetails
2360CL8 SD - Rd4 - RA vs LOTZRA VS LOTZ2016-11-30 - 2017-01-03War Complete/ Games InactiveRA 6 VS LOTZ 2 Risk AttackersDetails
2351CL8 SD - Rd3 - GON vs LOTZGON VS LOTZ2016-11-15 - 2016-12-14War Complete/ Games InactiveGON 6 VS LOTZ 2 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
2350CL8 SD - Rd3 - LOTZ vs GONLOTZ VS GON2016-11-17 - 2016-12-05War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 2 VS GON 6 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
2338CL8 SD - Rd2 - EGAD vs LOTZMM VS LOTZ2016-10-29 - 2016-11-29War Complete/ Games InactiveMM 7 VS LOTZ 1 Memento MoriDetails
2337CL8 SD - Rd2 - LOTZ vs EGADLOTZ VS MM2016-11-02 - 2016-12-14War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS MM 4 Legends of the Zone, Memento MoriDetails
2316Tank Squad vs Legends of the Zone - Sep 2016TS VS LOTZ2016-09-21 - 2016-11-10War Complete/ Games InactiveTS 30 VS LOTZ 11 Tank SquadDetails
2305[MC2] Fraternal Order of Exceptional Drinkers vs Legends of the Zone - Jul 2016FOED VS LOTZ2016-08-03 - 2016-09-30War Complete/ Games InactiveFOED 37 VS LOTZ 4 Fraternal Order of Exceptional DrinkersDetails
1335[CC5] Memento Mori vs Legends of the Zone - Jun 2014MM VS LOTZ2014-06-21 - 2014-07-29War Complete/ Games InactiveMM 18 VS LOTZ 3 Memento MoriDetails
1314CL6 QG6 - TNC vs LOTZTNC VS LOTZ2014-07-15 - 2014-08-04War Complete/ Games InactiveTNC 7 VS LOTZ 1 The New CrusadeDetails
1313CL6 QG6 - LOTZ vs TNCLOTZ VS TNC2014-07-13 - 2014-08-14War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 1 VS TNC 7 The New CrusadeDetails
1306CL6 QG6 - GON vs LOTZGON VS LOTZ2014-07-02 - 2014-07-26War Complete/ Games InactiveGON 8 VS LOTZ 0 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
1305CL6 QG6 - LOTZ vs GONLOTZ VS GON2014-06-24 - 2014-07-16War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 1 VS GON 7 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
1298CL6 QG6 - LOTZ vs TOFULOTZ VS TOFU2014-06-18 - 2014-07-04War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 1 VS TOFU 7 The Odd Fellows UnionDetails
1297CL6 QG6 - TOFU vs LOTZTOFU VS LOTZ2014-06-20 - 2014-07-21War Complete/ Games InactiveTOFU 8 VS LOTZ 0 The Odd Fellows UnionDetails
1294CL6 QG6 - LOTZ vs RGXLOTZ VS RGV2014-06-01 - 2014-06-11War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS RGV 5 Royal Galactic VengeanceDetails
1293CL6 QG6 - RGX vs LOTZRGV VS LOTZ2014-05-30 - 2014-06-15War Complete/ Games InactiveRGV 7 VS LOTZ 1 Royal Galactic VengeanceDetails
1290CL6 QG6 - LOTZ vs ATLLOTZ VS ATL2014-05-18 - 2014-06-15War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS ATL 4 Legends of the Zone, AtlantisDetails
1289CL6 QG6 - ATL vs LOTZATL VS LOTZ2014-05-18 - 2014-06-08War Complete/ Games InactiveATL 7 VS LOTZ 1 AtlantisDetails
1104Legends of the Zone vs Venimus, Vidimus, Vicimus - Feb 2014LOTZ VS BOB2014-03-09 - 2014-06-04War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 30 VS BOB 31 Band of BrothersDetails
1038CL5 - QG2 - MB vs LotZMB VS LOTZ - War CompleteMB 11 VS LOTZ 5 Magnificent BastardsDetails
1037CL5 - QG2 - TLW vs LotZTLW VS LOTZ - War CompleteTLW 11 VS LOTZ 5 The Last WarriorsDetails
1035CL5 - QG2 - WAR vs LotZWAR VS LOTZ - War CompleteWAR 11 VS LOTZ 5 Warriors At RiskDetails
1032CL5 - QG2 - MYTH vs LotZMYTH VS LOTZ - War CompleteMYTH 14 VS LOTZ 2 MythologyDetails
1010CL5 - Third League - DYN v LOTZDYN VS LOTZ - 2013-10-25War Complete/ Games InactiveDYN 6 VS LOTZ 2 DYNASTYDetails
1009CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v DYNLOTZ VS DYN - 2013-10-25War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS DYN 5 DYNASTYDetails
994CL5 - Third League - FISO v LOTZFSC VS LOTZ - 2013-10-22War Complete/ Games InactiveFSC 4 VS LOTZ 4 Fiasco, Legends of the ZoneDetails
993CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v FISOLOTZ VS FSC - 2013-10-22War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 4 VS FSC 4 Legends of the Zone, FiascoDetails
990CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v MDLOTZ VS MD - 2013-09-22War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 1 VS MD 7 Manifest DestinyDetails
989CL5 - Third League - MD v LOTZMD VS LOTZ - 2013-09-22War Complete/ Games InactiveMD 7 VS LOTZ 1 Manifest DestinyDetails
976CL5 - Third League - DB v LOTZDB VS LOTZ - 2013-10-17War Complete/ Games InactiveDB 3 VS LOTZ 5 Legends of the ZoneDetails
975CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v DBLOTZ VS DB - 2013-10-17War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS DB 5 Devil's BrigadeDetails
972CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v HHLOTZ VS VNM - 2013-09-18War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS VNM 5 VenomDetails
971CL5 - Third League - HH v LOTZVNM VS LOTZ - 2013-09-18War Complete/ Games InactiveVNM 7 VS LOTZ 1 VenomDetails
958CL5 - Third League - DBC v LOTZDBC VS LOTZ - 2013-11-01War Complete/ Games InactiveDBC 4 VS LOTZ 4 Death By Comity, Legends of the ZoneDetails
957CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v DBCLOTZ VS DBC - 2013-11-01War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS DBC 5 Death By ComityDetails
948CL5 - Third League - UM8 v LOTZUM8 VS LOTZ - 2013-09-10War Complete/ Games InactiveUM8 3 VS LOTZ 5 Legends of the ZoneDetails
947CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v UM8LOTZ VS UM8 - 2013-09-10War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 5 VS UM8 3 Legends of the ZoneDetails
942CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v VDLLLOTZ VS VDLL - 2013-09-05War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 2 VS VDLL 6 de Veroveraars Der Lage LandenDetails
941CL5 - Third League - VDLL v LOTZVDLL VS LOTZ - 2013-09-05War Complete/ Games InactiveVDLL 4 VS LOTZ 4 de Veroveraars Der Lage Landen, Legends of the ZoneDetails
926CL5 - Third League - AQOH v LOTZAQOH VS LOTZ - 2013-08-17War Complete/ Games InactiveAQOH 6 VS LOTZ 2 A Question of HonourDetails
925CL5 - Third League - LOTZ v AQOHLOTZ VS AQOH - 2013-08-17War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 3 VS AQOH 5 A Question of HonourDetails
673Gladiators of Noxious vs Legends of the Zone - Jan 2014GON VS LOTZ2014-01-17 - 2014-03-04War Complete/ Games InactiveGON 24 VS LOTZ 17 Gladiators of NoxiousDetails
586The Spanking Monkeys vs Legends of the Zone - Jul 2013TSM VS LOTZ2013-06-05 - 2013-07-27War Complete/ Games InactiveTSM 30 VS LOTZ 11 The Spanking MonkeysDetails
559Fiso vs Legends of the Zone - Jun 2013FSC VS LOTZ2013-03-26 - 2013-06-06War Complete/ Games InactiveFSC 28 VS LOTZ 21 FiascoDetails
523The Headless Horsemen vs Legends of the Zone - Mar 2013VNM VS LOTZ2013-02-02 - 2013-03-07War Complete/ Games InactiveVNM 27 VS LOTZ 22 VenomDetails
501The New Crusade vs Legends of the Zone - Dec 2012TNC VS LOTZ2012-10-30 - 2012-12-23War Complete/ Games InactiveTNC 27 VS LOTZ 14 The New CrusadeDetails
497A Question of Honour vs Legends of the Zone - Dec 2012AQOH VS LOTZ2012-10-22 - 2012-12-21War Complete/ Games InactiveAQOH 28 VS LOTZ 21 A Question of HonourDetails
449Warriors At Risk vs Legends of the Zone - Sep 2012WAR VS LOTZ2012-07-13 - 2012-09-17War Complete/ Games InactiveWAR 29 VS LOTZ 19 Warriors At RiskDetails
423The Ulti-M8's vs Legends of the Zone - Aug 2012UM8 VS LOTZ2012-05-29 - 2012-07-28War Complete/ Games InactiveUM8 30 VS LOTZ 19 The Ulti-M8'sDetails
420Knights of the Round Table vs Legends of the Zone - Jul 2012OLDS VS LOTZ2012-06-08 - 2012-07-17War Complete/ Games InactiveOLDS 27 VS LOTZ 14 Old Legends Die SlowlyDetails
396Legends of the Zone vs Magnificent Bastards - Jun 2012LOTZ VS MB 2012-04-21 - 2012-05-30War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 22 VS MB 19 Legends of the ZoneDetails
3791st Regiment of the Foot Guards: Grenadier Guards vs Legends of the Zone - Apr 20121RFG VS LOTZ2012-03-04 - 2012-04-26War Complete/ Games Inactive1RFG 26 VS LOTZ 23 1st Regiment of the Foot Guards: Grenadier GuardsDetails
346The New Crusade vs Legends of the Zone - Jan 2012TNC VS LOTZ2011-11-08 - 2012-01-22War Complete/ Games InactiveTNC 140 VS LOTZ 61 The New CrusadeDetails
337Magnificent Bastards vs Legends of the Zone - Jan 2012MB VS LOTZ2011-10-29 - 2012-01-06War Complete/ Games InactiveMB 27 VS LOTZ 26 Magnificent BastardsDetails
321Kill On Arrival vs Legends of the Zone - Nov 2011KOA VS LOTZ2011-10-06 - 2011-11-29War Complete/ Games InactiveKOA 43 VS LOTZ 8 Kill On ArrivalDetails
313Death By Comity vs Legends of the Zone - Nov 2011DBC VS LOTZ2011-08-21 - 2011-11-04War Complete/ Games InactiveDBC 28 VS LOTZ 23 Death By ComityDetails
300Always Kicking Ass vs Legends of the Zone - Sep 2011AKA VS LOTZ2011-07-25 - 2011-09-19War Complete/ Games InactiveAKA 38 VS LOTZ 12 Always Kicking AssDetails
286The New Crusade vs Legends of the Zone - Jul 2011TNC VS LOTZ2011-06-20 - 2011-07-25War Complete/ Games InactiveTNC 22 VS LOTZ 18 The New CrusadeDetails
284One Step Ahead vs Legends of the Zone - Jul 2011OSA VS LOTZ2011-05-30 - 2011-07-18War Complete/ Games InactiveOSA 23 VS LOTZ 18 One Step AheadDetails
267Risk Attackers vs Legends of the Zone - Jun 2011RA VS LOTZ2011-05-05 - 2011-06-18War Complete/ Games InactiveRA 26 VS LOTZ 15 Risk AttackersDetails
246Fraternal Order of Exceptional Drinkers vs Legends of the Zone - May 2011FOED VS LOTZ2011-03-18 - 2011-05-09War Complete/ Games InactiveFOED 31 VS LOTZ 10 Fraternal Order of Exceptional DrinkersDetails
231Grim Reapers vs Legends of the Zone - Apr 2011GR VS LOTZ2011-02-21 - 2011-04-21War Complete/ Games InactiveGR 29 VS LOTZ 12 Grim ReapersDetails
216Soldiers of War vs Legends of the Zone - Mar 2011Clan 162 VS LOTZ2011-01-21 - 2011-03-05War Complete/ Games InactiveClan 162 24 VS LOTZ 17 Soldiers of WarDetails
186The Brethren of the Fat Mermaid vs Legends of the Zone - Aug 2010Clan 164 VS LOTZ2010-06-13 - 2010-08-26War Complete/ Games InactiveClan 164 39 VS LOTZ 21 The Brethren of the Fat MermaidDetails
171Fraternal Order of Exceptional Drinkers vs Legends of the Zone - May 2010FOED VS LOTZ2010-04-29 - 2010-06-04War Complete/ Games InactiveFOED 36 VS LOTZ 24 Fraternal Order of Exceptional DrinkersDetails
166Legends of the Zone vs Devil's Brigade - May 2010LOTZ VS DB 2010-03-18 - 2010-05-02War Complete/ Games InactiveLOTZ 22 VS DB 18 Legends of the ZoneDetails
106The Last Warriors vs Legends of the Zone - Dec 2009TLW VS LOTZ2009-10-24 - 2009-12-09War Complete/ Games InactiveTLW 31 VS LOTZ 29 The Last WarriorsDetails
98++The Legion++ vs Legends of the Zone - Oct 2009OLE VS LOTZ2009-09-20 - 2009-10-22War Complete/ Games InactiveOLE 23 VS LOTZ 17 The Olympus LegionDetails

Active Clan War Games

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